Veg Clear Soup

Veg Clear Soup

Easiest soup to save you from the guilt of throwing away the water squeezed out from veggies from recipes that demand doing this essential step such as Veg Manchurian, veg cutlets or veg momos. Save the original dish, the precious veggie water and make a hearty soup out of it. As Michael Scott would say – WIN WIN WIN situation 🙂

The squeezed out water from the veggies is basically raw vegetable stock that can be used for any recipe that calls for a vegetable stock or a great vegan substitute for recipes that call for chicken/ beef stock 🙂

  • Take the squeezed out water from veggies from any recipe calls for doing that step
  • Add twice the amount of fresh water. e.g. if you have 1 cup veggie water add 2 cups of fresh water. My soup looks yellowish orange because my veggie mix had carrots in it.
  • start heating on a low flame
  • Add lots of chopped ginger and a tiny bit of garlic. I also added some chopped cilantro stems that I had saved.
  • once it starts to simmer, add some cornflour paste. 1-2 tbsp depending on the thickness of the soup you prefer.
  • season with salt and pepper and add a dash of butter
  • Garnish with some parsley, chives or green onions.

You can strain the water to make it truly a “clear soup”. I actually like the little bits of veggies in it.

Add noodles and more chopped veggies to make Vegan Ramen.